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Italian Style - Italian Design

TECNO...customized elevation

TECNO...customized elevation

The study, creation and commissioning of a TECNO plant is always a result of careful analysis and a meticulous search to find the best solution - in terms of performance, functionality and product resistance - to answer, in effective way, to the most complex demands of the customer.

The R & D area, together with the design and production divisions, work closely to produce "one-shot" products calibrated on technical specifications received from the buyer.

Since the creation of hoists installed in extreme climatic conditions up to the realization of facilities for Formula 1 team factories, Tecno is able to collect and meet design challenges that are inaccessible and provide innovative solutions with high performance.
TECNO Tailor-Made is the result of a continuous research and study process that focuses on the company's values: innovation, ingenuity, elegance and performance.

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TECNO è un marchio DB ELEV S.r.l. - sede legale: via Amicizia, 12 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - Sede operativa: Via F.lli Bandiera 12 - 20016 Pero (Milano) -
C.F./P.IVA: 09784420151 - R.E.A.: MI-1316595 - Pec: