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Italian Style - Italian Design


Escalators and moving walkways represent the main reference point in nowadays’ collective transport and a tool for conveying the users within buildings depending on the business and sole transport requirements while optimizing people’s movement flows.

Businesses in fact enjoy the benefits of the use of escalators and moving walkways in terms of increase in the flow of customers, as these products ensure an evenly spread turnout to all floors by means of an optimum conveying of users and an uninterrupted high carrying capacity. All these benefits together mean better economic results for retail stores. Low power consumption solutions Tecno’s products are proposed with continuous operation at stable speed, from start to stop.

Alternatively, any escalator or moving walkways from TECNO can be equipped with:

  • stand-by control, through VVVF dual speed control. The unit runs at standard working speed and reduces it in absence of users, allowing a lower energy consumption, with a reduction of peak consumption up to 52% compared to conventional motors and a reduction in wear of components unlike in a standard continuous operation or with an automatic start/stop motor control;
  • automatic motor start/stop control, which can be regulated by platforms, photoelectric cells or integrated opto-electronic devices (radar) to detect the approaching user and starting the unit. The length of the time interval from the last user to the stopping of the unit can be customized according to the client’s needs. Outdoor installation Escalators and moving walkways installed outdoor need special arrangements to preserve the integrity and operation over time. While referring to the reference legislation, which recommends protection from the direct exposure to the weathering agents, Tecno ensures the best operation and durability of the units and components even under these conditions.
  • Light Line escalators - TLL

    The TECNO TLL escalator has been developed based on our experience in the field over the last three decades.

  • Escalators for public use THD

    The TECNO THD escalator was designed for applications that require particular sturdiness and safety under intense traffic conditions and thus conforming to the parameters of the standard on public service.

TECNO è un marchio DB ELEV S.r.l. - sede legale: via Amicizia, 12 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - Sede operativa: Via F.lli Bandiera 12 - 20016 Pero (Milano) -
C.F./P.IVA: 09784420151 - R.E.A.: MI-1316595 - Pec: