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Italian Style - Italian Design

Hydraulic Elevators

Hydraulic Elevators

Hydraulically actuated elevators, operated through an hydraulic control unit located in a machine room or metal cabinet, ensure safety and reliability. Simple to maintain and with a reduced installation time, hydraulic elevators represent a cost effective solution ideal for residential buildings.

The cabinet containing the control unit can be placed in any area of the building and not necessarily at the top of the elevator compartment or close to it: this solution allows greater flexibility and installation even in environments with reduced headroom and pit. This feature becomes an even more evident advantage in case of installations in existing buildings, considering the fitting versatility. Ideal for: Offices and residential buildings where special features or high speed are not required.


  • Reliability and safety;
  • Proven technology;
  • High-quality reliable components ensure an efficient and easily maintained system;
  • Lower installation and management cost: ease of installation and reduced maintenance of the system ensure cost saving;
  • Reduced fitting times;
  • Rapid emergency manoeuvre.

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  • hydraulic-elevators_107.pdf
  • hydraulic-elevators_118.pdf

Images Hydraulic Elevators

TECNO è un marchio DB ELEV S.r.l. - sede legale: via Amicizia, 12 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - Sede operativa: Via F.lli Bandiera 12 - 20016 Pero (Milano) -
C.F./P.IVA: 09784420151 - R.E.A.: MI-1316595 - Pec: