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Italian Style - Italian Design

Electrical Elevators

Electrical Elevators

Rope traction elevators represent the ideal solution where high performance is required in terms of speed and high traffic. The possibility to adjust the speed in VWF frequency ensures an excellent comfort and greater energy efficiency.

The rope elevator allows a greater travel capacity compared to the hydraulic elevator not having limitations for the piston. Ideal for: Offices and commercial buildings with heavy traffic and high rises.


  • High performance: speed, perfection of the stop at the floor and efficient heavy traffic management;
  • Sustainability: absence of use of hydraulic oil and batteries which must be subsequently disposed of;
  • Low energy consumption;
  • Capability to serve any structural height.

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  • electrical-elevators_106.pdf
  • electrical-elevators_117.pdf

Images Electrical Elevators

TECNO è un marchio DB ELEV S.r.l. - sede legale: via Amicizia, 12 - 20025 Legnano (MI) - Sede operativa: Via F.lli Bandiera 12 - 20016 Pero (Milano) -
C.F./P.IVA: 09784420151 - R.E.A.: MI-1316595 - Pec: